
Litigation landscaping is a sophisticated and intricate service utilized by corporations to ensure effective communication before and during the legal recourse process. Our team possesses exclusive and extensive experience working at various court levels, advocates, and senior counsels. We are the primary point of contact once your solicitors have been briefed.

In litigation cases, our solution focuses on enabling discreet communication that establishes an environmental safety net to allow for the desired judgments. We closely collaborate with companys' general counsels and their legal teams to enhance the understanding of the company's briefs by courtroom reporters. Consequently, our approach significantly enhances the likelihood and allows greater public acceptance of judgments.

There's no one who has either the chutzpah to cope or hands-on experience sheet to managing every element of a Crisis, that I bring to the table. From war-room management to press-handling, spokesperson placement to damage minimization, each element is seamlessly coordinated to ensure survival and to emerge strong. 

Advice on the crucial elements of Media Interaction, Messaging Content, Timing and Tone supervision. Harnessing of multiple digital imperatives and choices

How do you present yourself to the world? What aspects need to be highlighted and which are those that are best under played. Yes,  whether you are a large corporation or an individual who is in the public eye, expert hand holding is the key to being recognised appropriately. The best techniques for engineering an appropriate profile that may be initially beyond your current state and the trick to avoid being castigated on issues that emanate from the environment are strategies I deploy.

Being able to understand policy making and having watched its evolving landscape, there's no better advice that you can get. The task very often is to be able to guide you towards which buttons to press, at what intensity to press them, and at what time. Keeping you updated on what's behind those touch points and where it's necessary to go beyond the obvious ones is a skill hat comes from decades of work in Govt, for political entities, around Governments of various kinds and a variety of policymakers..